Tuesday 27 November 2007

De-clutter your life and improve your confidence

A lot of people carry around with them a lot of “baggage” or “clutter” in their minds.

When I say this I mean that they are still holding onto things that they say they should do but don’t, the person who they had a row with but both are not speaking to each other – but both want to, the coulds and shoulds in your life that hold you back – you need to let go, but you don’t.

These people carry around with them a lot of emotional attention that you could be doing without and focussing on something more productive instead!

Are you like this?

If you are, I bet it had a negative influence on your confidence and self esteem.

The approach

Take a look at your life and get rid of this baggage by asking yourself a series of questions and by completing the following exercise.

In effect, what we are doing is making certain tasks “complete”, drawing a line under them and moving on.

Another term for this is “psychological completion” or just “completion”

The following set of questions can be taken at one sitting or over a number of hours/days.

By writing the answers down they become more formal.

Get to it and watch your confidence soar!

1. Putting up with!

· Make a list of 10 things that you are putting up with at home
· Make a list of 10 things that you are putting up with at work
· Make a list of 10 things that you are putting up with in any other area of your life
· Make an action plan to get rid of/communicate these things that you have been putting up with

2. Unfinished matters!

· Make a list of things that are unresolved/unfinished in your life
· Make an action plan of how to reduce this number!
· Do you need to clear the air with anyone? If so, just do it! Life is too short!
· Did you ever say that you were going to call someone or keep in touch with someone yet have done nothing about it? If yes, call them or send an email to them today
· Let go of as many coulds, woulds, shoulds, maybe, oughts as you can. Write these down.

3. Your standards!

· Write down the standards that you have been saying to yourself that you should have; let go of these and write down a list of the standards that you are going to have in your life from this day forward.
· List 5 people who you admire the most. Identify their greatest qualities, behaviour and how they lead their life. What standards so they have? What standards could you raise starting today to be more like them?
· Respect that other’s standards will be different from your own. Think of 5 close colleagues or friends – what are their standards and how are they different to yours?

By completing these exercises you will be able to focus more on the here the now and the future.

You will now be able to let go of some of the things that have been taking up your valuable attention units – those things that knock your self esteem.

About The Author: Mark Edwards is a certified Success/ Life Coach who specializes in helping people achieve significant change in their lives. If you'd like to learn step by step how to become more successful in life or how to set yourself financially free please visit: The New You, Give Yourself A Life Makeover.

If you'd like to learn how to be successful in life and would like your own personal Life Coach to teach and guide you on how to be super successful click here.

Sunday 18 November 2007

What Coaching really is.

Today I called a woman back who had inquired about coaching and she said: "Thanks for calling me back so quickly. It helps to keep the momentum going". And what coaching REALLY is became crystal clear to me!

Impulses for Change From time to time, we get impulses for change. It might be because we get inspired. We might see someone else with what we want.

A new possibility might occur to you. A flash of insight? A friend or colleague challenges you. Most often it's because something has gotten worse than we're willing to tolerate, and we say: "I've had enough!"

Whatever the reason, this impulse for change comes along at certainintervals in our life. However, we all know the impulse rarely lasts. Last week I had an impulse to exercise (again).
However, it's not particularly consistent, and doesn't always come at times when it's convenient for me to exercise.

You may have thought: "You know - my relationship really could be better. Surely this isn't as good as it gets?" And the next day the impulse is gone. Or "What would it take to double my profits? I'm really going to make some changes in this business when I get less busy". A few days later your focus is on something else.

OR, are you the kind of person who takes on new projects with gusto, to find out that a few weeks or months later it feels old hat, and you follow a familiar pattern of switching to something else?

This is why we human beings do not make so many of the changes that are possible in our lives.
Without coaching - without a STRUCTURE - our natural tendency is to keep our patterns. Go to work. Make money. Keep the same relationships. Keep the same barriers. Want the same things to change.

But don't change them. Feel an impulse for change - lose the impulse for change. Staying the same is the natural outcome. But Do We Need to Change? No. But wouldn't it be wise? These impulses for change are the signals telling you what is next for you in life. They are your intuition letting you know that you are missing opportunities.

They are messages (sometimes subtle) about what you would ~really~ like to do in your life, what your business needs, the perfect job, who you should be with right now.
If I may get a little deep for just a moment - they are not only the signals that will help us achieve the goals we are striving for, but the signals that are telling us how to evolve as people.

If we ignore these impulses, we'll feel restless at a very deep level - knowing something is wrong, but not sure what. Not understanding this restlessness, we must seek ways to quieten it - TV, movies, alcohol, smoking, over-reading etc.

OK - I'm getting a little off track but I think you get my point. It's important that these impulses do not get left by the way side. You want the secret to achieving your goals and having an amazing life?

The Coaching StructureAt it's simplest, coaching may be described as a structure. Coaching harnesses the energy for change; those impulses that last from a moment to a few weeks. If you feel an impulse to exercise more you may exercise once - until the next impulse.

But if you join a gym for a year and hire a personal trainer, you ~will~ be fit! In fact it would be very hard to avoid it havingset up this structure. Coaching is a similar structure, for any goal that's important to you. You make a commitment to your goals, and to working for a certain time frame with a coach. This is often 3 months or 6 months, usually with one or more review points to assess progress.

Normally once a week you have a conversation with your coach, and you commit to specific actions to move you forward. Within a coaching structure, your natural tendency is to pursue your goals and achieve them. It's ~hard~, in fact very hard to keep your patterns and your life the same when you focus so much consistent attention on what you really want, and make promises to a third party.

With a coach, the man who feels an impulse to change careers isn't still thinking about it in three months time. He's hired a coach, he's found a new career possibility which inspires him, he's got a new resume and ten interviews lined up.

With a coach, the woman who wants to organise her business so that she has time for herself isn't still complaining about it in six months time. She's hired a coach, created an empowering time allocation, set her boundaries, hired an assistant, looks obviously happier and is therefore attracting more clients.

So here's the key: Without a coach, the path of least resistance is to keep your life the same. Impulses for change often do not last long enough to act upon.
With a coach, the path of least resistance is to achieve your goals! Impulses for change are converted to momentum.

So would coaching be a smart investment for you right now? Are you the kind of person who could benefit?

You decide. I say it's for people who recognize that coaching is a powerful structure for harnessing your energy for change, and to help you move forward.

If you're content for the next five years to be similar to the last five years, then you don't need any input or help from anyone. However, aren't you curious to know what your life could be like in five years time if you harnessed your impulses for change, carried them through, and had fun while doing it?

If you'd like to find out more about having a life coach copy and paste this URL into your web browser:


or you could simply call 07934 453930

With much warmth

Mark Edwards, Certified New Insights Life Coach

Living Your Dream Life Coaching

About The Author: Mark Edwards is a certified Success/ Life Coach who specializes in helping people achieve significant change in their lives. If you'd like to learn step by step how to become more successful in life or how to set yourself financially free please visit: The New You, Give Yourself A Life Makeover.

If you'd like to learn how to be successful in life and would like your own personal Life Coach to teach and guide you on how to be super successful click here.

P.S. Claim £473 in free bonuses as my gift to you when you reserve your free trial session today.


Saturday 3 November 2007

How To Give Tough Messages And Still Be Liked

How to give “tough messages,” and still
be liked and respected

Providing feedback to staff is always tough, but if it’s “constructive,” you not only get the message across, but, build a more cohesive and capable team as a result.

Do you remember when your parents told you to eat your veggies because they were good for you?

Now that you’re an adult, you know they were right.

Well, just as they were right from the beginning, I’m asking you to trust me when I tell you this: constructive feedback is the only way to learn and develop—both personally and professionally.

That means, you as Manager, have a responsibility to your staff to help them develop. That means, you have to give constructive feedback.

What is constructive feedback?

First, I’ll tell you what it’s not.

Constructive feedback is not criticism (which has a negative connotation because it is so often generalized and personal).

Constructive feedback is a not personal (e.g. you are lazy), but a targeted response to an individual’s action or behavior (e.g. you did not accomplish the task you agreed to complete) that is intended to help them learn, and is delivered from a place of respect.

Constructive feedback is not “closed” but rather invites the individual receiving the feedback to shed light, share their perspective, or provide their response. (e.g. Do you see it differently?)

Constructive feedback does not blame, but presents a collaborative approach to problem-solving. (e.g. If we are all to go home tonight on time, task A needs to get done. What support can the team offer to finish task A, so that everyone gets to go home on time.)

Why constructive feedback works

Constructive feedback enables us to give honest, “tough messages” to those with whom we work.

However, instead of insulting, shutting-down others, or alienating those who receive the feedback, and thus lowering their morale and their resulting productivity, it motivates them to ask for help, and acknowledge a skill or competency deficiency, while feeling supported and respected.

Two of the most important factors influencing employee retention/satisfaction are: “great boss,” and “feeling part of a team” (Hay Group Study on retention). Constructive feedback, because it is delivered out of respect and a genuine desire for the individual to improve, accomplishes both.

Providing feedback, in this way, enables you to build the competency and cohesiveness of your team, while effectively managing performance issues. It also enables you to remain respected, well liked, and overall, considered “ a great boss.”

Principles of feedback

1. Choose correct timing for feedback

Praise is most effective when given as soon as possible after the behaviour has occurred. Immediate feedback will help to reinforce a correct behaviour and make it more likely to happen again.

When an incorrect behaviour is not corrected with feedback, the staff member may incorporate it into his or her customer of colleague interactions unknowingly. It is highly desirable, when possible, to give corrective feedback before the situation occurs again.

2. Ask for self assessment

Beginning by asking the person for self-assessment involves them in the feedback process.

It helps to promote an open atmosphere and dialogue between the person doing the coaching and the person being coached. Often the person is well aware of his or her won strengths and weaknesses.

It is more effective to allow the person to voice opinions before providing your own assessment of performance.

Through self-assessment, the person can gradually assume more responsibility for his or her own abilities and performance.

3. Focus on specifics

When you focus on a specific correct or incorrect behaviour, you remove the feedback from the sphere of personality differences and the other person will be more willing and able to change.

For example, when providing corrective feedback:

Do: “When you were talking to customer xyz, I noticed that you forgot to use her name”

Don’t: “You are not building rapport with the customer”

When providing praise:

Do: “When you spoke to customer xyz, I noticed that you used really good open and closed questioning techniques”

Don’t: “You communicated well there”

4. Limit feedback to a few important points

Good coaches and communicators identify one or two critical areas and help the person address them one at a time.

It is too hard to examine and try to change many aspects of behaviour at one time.

Restrict your feedback to one or two important points so that you do not overwhelm the other person with too many things to consider.

5. Provide more praise than corrective feedback

Positive reinforcement is one of the strongest factors in bringing about change.

Unfortunately a lot of people always focus on the negative.

When you give corrective feedback, remember to point out corrective behaviours first. This is as important as pointing out mistakes and areas that need improvement.

And always end the conversation on a positive.

6. Give praise for expected performance

People deserve to be praised for doing their job to the expected level. Too many people take the expected level for granted however.

Remember that praising anyone who meets established standards is as important as praising the exceptional performer.

Praise is a strong motivator, and enough praise may be what it takes to turn an average employee into an exceptional one.

7. Develop Action Plans

Work together to identify the desired performance or result and how it can be achieved.

Decide when the steps will be accomplished.

Useful techniques to use when giving feedback

Now that we have highlighted the main principles of giving feedback, lets look at some useful techniques we can use in feedback sessions:

Initiating action
& Offering ideas
OwnershipOpen-ended questioning

Use open-ended questions to allow and encourage the person to give more detail and elaborate.

Use words like:

Tell me?

Avoid closed questions when you are trying to get more information from someone.

Avoid words like:

Do you?
Did you?
Have you?

Also be careful when you use the word “Why”. The person may think that you are blaming them or being critical if you use it. They may think that you disagree with them if you use this word.

Reflecting Back

This is about putting what the other person has said into your own words and reflecting it back.

This is called paraphrasing and by doing this it shows that you are listening and more importantly that you are listening and understanding!

For example:

Individual – “I always seem to get the rough end of the stick - no-one listens to me at all……..”

You – “You seem concerned that no-one listens to you and that you seem to be getting a dumb deal”

Maintaining Silence

Encourage the person to take their time.

Always give the other person time to think through their reply to a challenging answer.

Do not feel uncomfortable about silences but do be wary that silence can make people feel very uncomfortable.

Maintain eye contact and demonstrate an interest.


Summarise the output of the meeting and action plan to ensure that you have heard correctly and understood from his/her perspective.

Restate the key aspects of the feedback discussion

Conclude the discussion and focus on planning for the future.

Example: “The three major issues you raised were……”
“ To summarise then……”

Being Sensitive

Acting sensitive to the needs of the person is important as they may reject the feedback initially.

Give the person space to think in his/her time. This may help the person to absorb the feedback

Initiating Action and Offering Ideas


“Can you think of an action that would help build on your skills in this area?”

Offer ideas without forcing your personal opinion.

“One thing you might do is….”
“Have you thought about……..”
“Your options include………..”
“What can I do to help?”

Gaining Ownership

Help the person to integrate the feedback into their own experience and view of themselves.

Link the feedback as much as possible to business results and objectives – this will help increase ownership.

Any change in behaviour will only occur through acceptance and ownership of then feedback by that person.



Pick a partner, and choose who is to be A and who is to be B.

A will be providing feedback on B’s performance.

You will both be given role-play sheets of what has been going on and the person you are to play.

After you have completed that, change roles and complete role-play 2.

What worked well?

What could have been done better?

What will you know for next time?

Receiving Feedback

As long as feedback is given in a non-judgmental and appropriate way, it is a valuable piece of information for learning and for our continued development as a person.

Constructive feedback is critical for self-development and growth; here are some points to bare in mind when you receive feedback.

1. Don’t shy away from constructive feedback, welcome it
2. Accept feedback of any sort for what it is – information
3. Evaluate the feedback before responding
4. Make your own choice about what you intend to do with the information

The feedback emotional rollercoaster

Whether you are giving or receiving feedback it is useful to bare in mind the following model when it comes to people who receive feedback.


When people first receive feedback, they have a tendency to deny it. Please avoid immediate defensiveness – arguing, denying and justifying. This just gets in the way of your appreciation of the information you are being given.

After the denial stage comes anger! So you’ve been told that your work is not as good as what it ought to be. You’ve said, “It’s as good as always” so you are denying it then you become angry as it stews in your mind and body. The immediate reaction is to fume!

After the anger has calmed down, the person has had time to reflect and ponder on the feedback. “Well, I have been making more mistakes then normal” This is when time is taken out to mull over the feedback and think about what it actually means.

The final part of this model is finally accepting the feedback, assessing its value and the consequences of ignoring it, or using it. “I HAVE been making mistakes”

About The Author: Mark Edwards is a certified Success/ Life Coach who specializes in helping people achieve significant change in their lives. If you'd like to learn step by step how to become more successful in life or how to set yourself financially free please visit: The New You, Give Yourself A Life Makeover.

If you'd like to learn how to be successful in life and would like your own personal Life Coach to teach and guide you on how to be super successful click here.

Friday 28 September 2007

20 Ways To Increase Your Confidence

20 quick and practical methods to increase your confidence, here we go:

1. Think about someone who is confident and act, talk and walk like him or her. Model their mannerisms and behaviour. It works for them; it will work for you.

2. Smile a lot more. That doesn’t mean putting a silly grin on your face! But smile when you walk down the street, when you meet people and generally be happier even if you’re not feeling that way.

3. Learn from the past; don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s gone; it’s never coming back. Instead learn from it for next time.

4. Buy yourself some new clothes, get your hair done, treat yourself to something new. It will make you feel better and will give your ego a boost.

5. Are you prepared for situations? Are you prepared enough to meet any challenge that may come up? Are you prepared for that meeting, that presentation, that job interview, when you meet someone for the first time? If not, get to it.

6. Play to your strengths. Know what you are good at and expose yourself to these opportunities at every opportunity – because you’re good at it, you’ll enjoy it and have more confidence.

7. Improve your weaknesses. Know and appreciate what these are and put a plan in place to improve them over time.

8. Learn how to say no to people. Don’t be afraid, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of. Just watch the reaction on their face after you’ve said it the first time and there will be no going back.

9. Be positive. Look on the “can do” side of things rather than the “can’t do”. You’ve accomplished lots in your life and you will accomplish lots more in the future.

10. Be in charge of your thoughts at all times. What is a thought? It’s just a question that you’ve asked yourself and the thought is you’re answer. If you’re thinking negative thoughts, you’re probably asking a negative question. Change the questions to be more positive.

11. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming, STOP, THINK, and say is this really important in the grand scheme of things. A lot of the time it isn’t. Many people in life major in minor things!

12. Do you let the words of others affect you? Do you mind what they think of you? Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It’s not what they say to you that’s the problem it’s what you say to yourself after they have stopped talking that’s the problem. Change the way you think.

13. List the words that you use on a consistent basis when you feel let down or annoyed. People use different words to mean the same thing and depending upon the intensity of the word – this will have an effect on your confidence. Instead of saying “I’m enraged about this” say, “I’m a little annoyed”. Make a substitute list for the words that you use. Make sure they are lower in intensity and then use them. You’ll be surprised with the results.

14. At the end of each day list your achievements and successes throughout that day.

15. Be appreciative of what you have to be thankful for in your life right now. Who do you love? Who loves you? Who do you help out?

16. Every morning when you’re in the shower, play over in your head the events in the day as though they have already happened and they were a success. Visualize all of the meetings that you had, the people you talked to, the outcomes you had. Visualize success and confidence and it will be so.

17. Improve your body language. The way that you move your body has a massive impact on your confidence levels. Move your body assertively and walk with your head up, shoulders back and as though you’ve got somewhere very important to go. Feeling low in confidence? Change you body language

18. Emotion is created by motion. As in 17, make sure you move around consistently. This creates energy and gets the blood pumping around you body – it makes you feel better and more confident.

19. Learn to brag about yourself. Yes, you heard me! Talk about your achievements and successes more than you currently are.

20. And finally – You only live once, so any time that you are down just ask yourself in 10 or 20 years time – will what I am worrying about really matter?

About The Author: Mark Edwards is a certified Success/ Life Coach who specializes in helping people achieve significant change in their lives. If you'd like to learn step by step how to become more successful in life or how to set yourself financially free please visit: The New You, Give Yourself A Life Makeover.

If you'd like to learn how to be successful in life and would like your own personal Life Coach to teach and guide you on how to be super successful click here.

Monday 24 September 2007

How To Build Confidence

You are great!

One of the most well known confidence building exercises is to list your own strengths and natural abilities.

By looking at the list it can make you say “Wow, I really am good!”

Another great way of building your confidence and getting in touch with how great you really are is to ask friends, colleagues and people who you know for feedback on your strengths and natural abilities.

Your practical assignment is to list 5 people who you know and trust for this exercise.

Make sure they are from different areas of your life.

List them below:






You might at this stage be feeling a little nervous about asking these people for feedback.

Don’t worry, because you will be only asking for your strengths.


So, how do you go about it?

Well, below is a list of questions that I’d like you to ask to each of your list.

I recommend that you meet or talk on the phone with each beforehand and explain the context of the exercise and then either ask them verbally or give them the questions and either fill in the sheet of paper or email you with their feedback.

They will feel honoured that you have asked them and the feedback that you will receive will truly make you feel fabulous and full of confidence.

Rightly or wrongly, we live in a society where other peoples’ opinions count to our self esteem and confidence.

By completing this exercise you will get some really good insight into some of your strengths.

Often you receive valuable information on the strengths that you didn’t even know you had!


· What do you perceive to be my greatest strengths?

· What do you like most about me?

· What do you value most about me?

· What three words sum up the positive points about me?

· If you needed help with something, what would you call me to help you with?

After you have received all of the feedback it is now time to reflect on what has been written or said:

How do you feel about it?

Are there any surprises?

Do you feel confident about your abilities?

How can you use this information going forward?

How can you maximise your strengths?

If these people think you have these strengths, so do a lot of other people as well – how does that make you feel?

What are the key insights you have learned?

What will you do now that is different to what you have done before?

Friday 21 September 2007

All About Life Coaching

So what is Life Coaching all about?

Everyone loves a definition!

So let’s start with one!

"Coaching is an on-going partnership that helps clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. Beginning with the clients' desires, coaching uses reporting, exploring, and a consistent commitment to move the client forward. Coaching accelerates the clients' progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice. Coaching concentrates on where clients are today and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be tomorrow." - International Coach Federation, ICF

Life Coaching is all about helping people get from where they are in their life to where they want to get to.

If everyone is being honest with themselves, I think we could all do with improving an area or two of our lives.

But why don’t people do anything about it?

Everyone knows what to do in life to become more successful but they don’t do what they know.

It is a Life Coach’s job to help people get what they want in life in by breaking down the barriers that people impose on themselves.

The best analogy you can ever use is that of a Personal Fitness Trainer.

When you go to a gym they will first ask you what your goals are:

Lose weight?
Lose fat?
Build muscle?
Build endurance?
Increase stamina?

They will then see where you are at with regards to your goal.

So for example, if you want to lose body fat they may ask you to take a body fat composition test that will measure your current levels of body fat, you may be asked to take a fitness test, asked what your current eating habits are etc

After establishing exactly how much you want to lose and over what period of time you want to lose it the trainer will then devise a plan of action of what you must do in order to achieve your fat reduction goals.

Along the way your personal fitness trainer will encourage and motivate you, ask you questions about your motivations and any barriers that you face and will help you.

The end goal of a trainer is to help you achieve your goals a lot quicker and more effectively than if you did it yourself.

A Life Coach does EXACTLY the same as a Personal Trainer but with areas of your life.

This could include:

· Confidence and self esteem
- Feel good about yourself
- Remove the self doubt
- Meet new people and feel confident
- Speak in front of groups

· Career
- Know what career is for you
- Get a better job
- Do your job better
- Get a promotion
- Start your own business and go it alone

· Relationships
- Develop listening skills
- Work through problems with your partner
- How to get through tough times
- Build stronger bonds

· Communication skills
- How to communicate with anyone
- How to make small talk with strangers
- How to get your point across effectively

· Losing weight/health
- Improve your health
- Reduce stress
- Sticking to a healthy eating plan
- Sticking to an exercise plan

· Dreams and achievements
- Set some compelling goals
- Work out what you want from life
- Provide direction and purpose
- Have more fun
- Have more energy

· Money/Finance
- Earn more money
- Save more money
- Work out and stick to budgets more effectively

· Getting what you want in life
- Becoming more organised
- Getting rid of barriers and negative thinking
- Manage your time more effectively
- Discover your values in life
- Remove the clutter that bogs you down
- How to stay focussed

The role of a life coach

Rather than actually TELLING someone the answers, a Life Coach is the catalyst for getting a client to find the answers themselves.

By asking challenging and thought provoking questions, a Life Coach can unlock the potential in a client.

Coaching is forward looking and focused on the action you are willing to take to get what you want out of life.

Sometimes you just can’t see the wood for the trees!

You so are wrapped up in everyday life that indeed life just passes you by!

Well, coaching enables you to see different alternatives and to take a step back and actually examine your life and all of it’s component parts.

This in turn leads to greater:

· Self-awareness
· Focus
· Accountability

A Coach Is . . .

· Your own personal trainer to enable you to achieve your goals
· Your champion during a turnaround.
· Your trainer in communication and life skills.
· Your sounding board when making choices.
· Your motivation when strong actions are called for.
· Your unconditional support when you take a hit.
· Your mentor in personal development.
· Your co-designer when creating an extraordinary project.
· Your beacon during stormy times.
· Your wake-up call if you don't hear your own.
· And most importantly, the professional coach is your partner in helping you have all of what matters most to you.
How does coaching work?

You now know what coaching actually is, so how does it work?

Well, coaching can be conducted through a number of mediums – here are the most popular:

- 121 sessions in person
- 121 sessions on the telephone
- 121 sessions using email
- Group coaching sessions in person
- Group coaching through the telephone (teleclass)

No matter what method is used the approach is the same.

During each coaching session the coach and the client will discuss and explore the clients’ journey including their goals, wins, challenges, and opportunities, as well as develop fieldwork for the coming week.

Fieldwork isn't like the homework you were assigned in school.

It consists of action steps to move you closer toward your goals and dreams.

The client brings the agenda and the coach brings the coaching skills to create a partnership that moves the client forward.

The client calls the coach at their scheduled time each week.

One-on-One Coaching:

The structure of coaching in the main is flexible.

You can design a coaching arrangement with the client that meets their individual needs and schedule. The basic design consists of:

· 30 minute complementary “is this for you” session?
· An initial one-hour session to create a coaching strategy (in-person or by phone)
· Initial assessment to evaluate work and life needs and establish goals.
· Regular on-going coaching sessions (typically by phone/email)
· Exercises to increase self-awareness, encourage creative thinking, and develop practical skills.
· Full confidentiality
· Quartlery evaluation and review, along with strategies for ongoing support.

Coaching sessions are usually scheduled weekly, lasting from a half-hour to an hour.

Together, you will define the length and frequency that best supports the client. Sessions may be focused on one specific goal or challenge that the client is facing, or on a much broader set of personal or professional issues.
Group Coaching / Team Coaching:

Any one-on-one coaching program can be tailored to a group or team coaching program. This is the most cost-effective model for providing coaching throughout an organisation.